Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Travel Journal

I made my first travel journal!  I've always wanted to make one, so when my hubby and father-in-law headed off to Gaspe to scatter my step-mother-in-law's ashes, (more about that confusing term later...) I thought it was the perfect time to try it out!

I simply took chipboard (very thick card stock) and cut it to 4x6 pieces.  One for each day of the trip.  I punched holes on one side for the rings.

Next I went through and added number tabs and a space to write on the right side, and envelope halves on the left side of each double page.  Now, my guys only came back with one ticket stub, so I removed the envelopes.

When they returned home, with the journaling side dutifully filled out, I printed off the pictures they had taken.  I added these in, along with a few fun embellishments, and there you have it!  All done!

The guys said it was super easy to use, and it all came together quickly for me, so I'm pretty sure this is something we will do again!!
I think this trip was healing for all of us.  I really miss Nicole.  I miss joking about our relationship: step-mother-in-law, in French, is belle-belle-mere. Literally translated, pretty, pretty mother!!  She always had a project on the go to share with us.  She loved to hear all about out trips to Nova Scotia.  She loved the water.  She loved history.  So many common interests, I miss sharing these things with her.  Knowing her ashes still had to be delivered to their final destination had me still in some way on edge, feeling a responsibility.  Now that is done, I feel that I can just remember the good memories! 

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